Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 11, 2020

Every Little Thing's Gonna Be Alright Rose Sunset T Shirt

I think it’s that’s important torecognize you Ryan and I don’t sit uphere with all the answers or or evenmost of them what what we figured out isa way to have a Every Little Thing's Gonna Be Alright Rose Sunset T Shirt bunch of little failureson our way to to a type of success thatis is beyond happiness because I don’tthink I don’t think happiness is thepoint I think that was what that wasactually the problemfor me I was just chasing happiness andand I kept chasing it and I didn’trealize that happiness was actually abyproduct of living a more meaningfullife and and that’s really what my lifelooks like now you know I don’t think mylife is that much different than anyoneelses because we do have an office inMissoula um we got to get internetsomewhere because we we run a blog umbut you know for me I I gave mypriorities when I was you know 26 27 28years old I gave my priorities a lot oflip service if you ask me what mypriorities were then like oh my health Igot to be healthy without your healthwell then you’re you’re not gonna behappy and I gotta have goodrelationships in my. Have just like wentand got a loan because I don’t have apayment right now so like the 25 yearold Ryan kid Dimas what he needed aold Ryan kid Dimas what he needed apayment I don’t have a payment I gotplenty of room for payments in my lifeso yes certainly minimalism does helpclear the mind but you know not justwith with financial aspects but evenmeditation like that’s a very mindfulpractice I wish I could say that weinvented meditation but that’s beenaround forever it’s certainly a simpleapproach to clearing clearing the mentalclutter but yeah I mean that certainlyhelps a lot too yeah for sure and in ourdocumentary so so for those of you whohaven’t seen it yet our film is calledminimalism a documentary about theimportant things it just came out onNetflix and so a lot of you have seen iton Netflix or if you don’t have Netflixyou can see it on iTunes or worldwide onVimeo you can check it out there there’sa whole mindfulness section in there wehave Sam Harris and Dan Harris both ofwhom were not related to each other. Ryan and I hit the road we did ahundred cities in ten months webasically donated a year of our livesand and decided to leave behind in eachcity a meetup group because we don’thave any control over it we just we wantwe wanted to leave something behindbecause what would happen is we would goto a city and people come up to usafterward and say that’s great you werehere for an hour or whatever but nowyou’re leaving how do I connect withpeople locally and I would say I don’tknow like ok cupid this whole thing okum that was a bad answer and so it turnsout we we didn’t have a good answer sowe went out and tried to make a goodanswer it’s called minimalist org youcan go there to click on the Bostongroup and it’s a Facebook group and andpeople need one at least once a monthsometimes groups would meet even morefrequently than that and then you’ll getto surround yourself with eitherlike minded people or at leastopen minded people who are willing to besupportive of whatever changes you wantto make in life and it’s not just aboutdecluttering

Source: Every Little Thing's Gonna Be Alright Rose Sunset T Shirt

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Nanite I’ll read thebacks we were reading last night beforewe went to bed and most of the timethat’s just with that is just with thethe the Kindle that I have there at mybedside right and so I found that bookswere especially proud and problematicfor me when I went through thisexperience of moving and I had to move2 000 books and you know when you pullthe books off the shelf they’re reallylight when you put them in a Every Little Thing's Gonna Be Alright Rose Sunset T Shirt box one ata time but you fill up a huge box ofbooks and it’s pretty damn heavy and soI threw my back out moving a box of ahuge box of books and so when peopletell me that while digital clutter isjust as problematic as physical clutterI will tell them to try to move 2 000physical books and then try to move2 000 books on their Kindle and you tellme which is more difficult that’s not tosay that we don’t need to organizethings digitally I think it’s importantto do that but I think the biggestproblem is the external color that weexperience I think our physical clutteris a physical manifestation of what’sgoing on. The same isobviously true for adults as well rightif as an adult you are you’re using thelanguage that that something isimpossible you’ve instantly you cut offthe the the ability to grow at least inthat area and so when you sayyou can’t you know pack up everythinglike Ryan did and so actually I you knowif when we talk about embracingminimalism I didn’t do the same thing asRyan we both had radically differentapproaches in fact I think my approachwould probably be more more reasonablefor you but just because something’sreasonable doesn’t mean it’s the bestapproach often being unreasonable isgoing to be the best approach becauseit’s gonna allow you to make the mostradical change in your life but let’stalk about the two differentperspectives that Ryan and I haveso you mentioned Ryan’s packing partyfor those of you unfamiliar we’ll put alink to that in the show notes you canfind the details at the minimalists commslash packing you can also take a lookat his TEDx talk which is called a richlife with less stuff he talks. So we went we finally like foundthe tree it took
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