Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 11, 2020

Don'T Touch My Damn Dog T Shirt

II AND AND JUST JUST WHAT DIFFERENT COUNTRIES DID AND HOW THEY WERE TRYING TO HIDE THEIR GOLD SO WE THOUGHT THIS WAS A Don'T Touch My Damn Dog T Shirt REALLY KIND OF IMPORTANT UNDERSTANDING BECAUSE OF HOW GOLDS GOING TO BE SO IMPORTANT GOING FORWARD AND REESTABLISHING A GOLDBACH CURRENCY FOR ALMOST ALL CURRENCIES IN THE WORLD AND I STRONGLY BELIEVE. For his album was 93 to boxers out 91 so how is a point now music back then when she graduated college made no sense because you line also she started as a black woman she supposed to be a black woman but I think Biden taken Kamali Harris after being asked by all the black sellouts to take a black woman I see him taken Kamali Harris was basically what I say was like a slap in the face the black people because we know Kamali Harris is not black we know she doesn’t represent black Americans we know just like Joe Biden she presided over her she basically was responsible for mass incarceration the black males in California were actually put put in prison based on faulty evidence and she black a lot of exculpatory evidence that would free a lot of people so she is exactly somebody I would trust nor is she somebody that really has black people’s best interest at heart not to mention she has a white husband into white children but that’s beside the point now it’s all this is a power play this was no way this is not placating black people is not anything. Someone to old because you want somebody that can be there for a while in the arteries was no spring chicken so you Roberts was around that age because obviously they have to experience to so they can be to yes we’re looking at somebody like Cavanaugh or Roberts at times in their 40s is good be around for a few decades potentially but is not like a law school so say that the somebody would ask now I would say that a woman with the will be pitied Supreme Court justices he like to look at him I said as long as she got to go for content she’s in first player what the fuck you is channeling the whole was look like longer yes might my body and ask them know my gosh that the could that mean anything else than what with saying how he said a woman and he did like the Kirby hand like nobody you didn’t do it this way like you so if if two dudes are alike in the locker room together and in one dude like you this girl had you know like you know like it’s I like to think

Source: Don'T Touch My Damn Dog T Shirt

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Because I again this is the political wing of the of the pedophile cabal and they want vulnerable children we as people have to smart up and realize that you get out of this mainstream media bullshit that all is our conspiracy theory and everything on the surface is exactly what it appears to be it’s never what it appears never because I’m pretty sure that little girl when she was logging on to go to into the doer online classes and is due chose showed up she must’ve thought he was just there like always I go as mommy’s boyfriend is always here and then yelling screaming cousin soon death and the girl was sitting in front of the computer on the computer and a Don'T Touch My Damn Dog T Shirt bullet struck the computer that means that was a near miss and that little girl almost lost her life but again if there was a father in the home it would be no boyfriend to even be able to do this you know a lot of black women especially talk about getting molested as little girls my man my mother’s boyfriends why because there is no father around and is much as we like to blame the men. By extension the audience reported to nurses slip into fascism because we agreed with her politics even if the means are kind of iffy she other the bad guyand we cheered her on because we agreed the bad guy was bad but then she turned her I are on innocence so really the audience is to confront what authoritarian they support now here’s what we see in first they came yes fascists create an enemyand use it as a rallying point the OG Nazis started with socialistand communistand work their way out from thereand the German people were okay with it because hey ends justify the meansand hey maybe the socialistand the Communist Jewsand the gaysand the disabled people are actually the problem they turn aroundand act all surprised when that ends in genocide some 10 years later but the nurse is in scapegoating just anyone as the enemy slaves of 20 000 normal 200 000 the other she uses to justify her authoritarianism isn’t a political party or dissidents or an ethnic group is the institution of slavery itself so in the end her tragic authoritarianism is rooted in the fact that she wants to end all forms of slavery too much not easy to see something before she wants to break too many children the ultimate wife woke but too much crucified hundreds nobles could dog fair she came for the slaversand I did not speak out because I was not a slaver then she came for the slave masters that crucified a bunch of slave childrenand I did not speak out then she killed a bunch of innocent womenand children’s are really on the idiot I guess want to is coming it really makes you think we live in a society Rush’s man die share for late hassles first they came as a poem about Gentile complacency during the Holocaust can make an argument about the nurses methods being cruel or unusual when she’s more or less been on the level with every other marginally decent leader in this universe salsa feeds or enemy to his own dogs John hangs all of the insurrectionist including a child heads on spikes wow the thing in this universe had some spikes outside the stables as a warning are you murdering an entire houseand then baking themand buys themand feeding them to their father but it went easy execution by Dragon is a bridge too far it’s effectively calling the audience hypocrites when you hold your own damn characters to a weird double standard nearest to spend more or less the entire series having discussions on her political aims versus the ethics of her means is the one we really need to look into our heartsand be like wow I guess her reacting coldly when her abusive brother does something stupid she knows will get him killed was a warning sign practices along with cultural group gives the gold crown to serve as a reaction watching her brothers there is something kind of chilling about the way that Danny has responded to the brunt of his wow we live in a society it really makes you think that if were following the worst case scenario fascism that ends in genocide in the worst case scenario for the nearest is what happens in season four the indiscriminate crucifixion of her enemies the wise masters of Marine some of whom were complicit in crucifying slave children some of whom were not genocide against the Rando’s of King’s Landing for absolutely no reason doesn’t follow any meaningful progression of fascism or authoritarianism so tearyand it really makes you think in the audience because they considered her enemies acceptable targets only to be shocked when she slaughters innocence isn’t just insulting meaningless if you read the script for the final episode of the iron throne which leaked when any voting started the moment were tearyand throws down his hand the queen pin is paired with the script direction liberation he does believe in liberation theology which is so revealing with regard to the point that these guys are going for why did people followed in Aris weather just because she was powerful or because they wanted in her panties or was it because they agreed with her politics Rush’s the man die share for ye Yes you cheered her on not just because she had dragons the because you agree with her politics rapingand pillaging bad unjust hierarchy bad labor a bad shoulder choose court right the argument tearyand is making is that of someone have the power of encouragementand enough self reassuranceand if they believe in their cause this sort of thing the righteousness of your beliefs don’t really matter what matters is the strength of those beliefsand was dangerous not that you have to watch out forand that is why good King brand is good that is why the best ruler is someone who doesn’t really want brand has no politics brand believes in nothing impartialityand emotional stress are the qualities of the fine leader because Dragon Lady believed in herselfand building a better world too muchand women are just too emotionally which is why the only good woman leader is the one who been sapped of her Manny believing in a righteous cause turns dangerous believe in it too hardand really in the year of our Lord 2019 is that add anything of value see she had the time I touch the cultural endurance of any story has much to do with the desire to retell it despite knowing how it ends that is not devalued by new the ending Sopranos is not valiantly knowing Romeoand Juliet tells you the ending at the beginning of the play from 445 loins abuse to foes out of starcrossed lovers take their life case not just for this tragedy for the endurance of tragic stories in general Romeoand Juliet Orpheusand Uranus he we telland retell the stories despite knowing how they’re going to because knowing how the showand are you going to begin to watch it again the legacy of game of thrones going to be because there are things that really the story in hindsight I used to watchand rewatch the earlier seasons of the show but now knowing how it ends knowing what their building toward knowing how nihilisticand stupidand mean it in that being there’s just no enjoyment in the journey anymore even very long process of making these two episodes we watching old game of thrones was just an exercise in frustration because you know now that the build up that they’re going towards little or no pay off the enjoyment of experience in this story should not be ruined by knowing how it think after the dust settlesand all the hot takes are takenand I recognize him probably at the end of this train the answer is going to be no it’s not going to be remembered for the journey we all undertook going to be remembered as a thing that was ruined by sending one of the greatest examples of that maybe ever get it down or ending take up the cement crunch so there is one thing that I feel is kind of gone underreportedand that is the nature of the backlashand I feel there’s kind of a false equivalency comparing it to other backlashes in recent memory like gas well Star Wars because in this case most of the iron kind of remained where it was deserved in this case the show runners who wielded absolute power against the wishes of the offer they were adaptingand even the network that was funding them the nature of the backlash mostly stuck to what was relevant the writing the charactersand didn’t spill over into like misogynyand toxicity as it usually dies he didn’t see any actors being bullied out of social media because the backlash wasn’t completely negative a lot of people were disappointed with the way the show ended one make it clear that they didn’t care about the showand they didn’t blame the Castor crew are specially the actors who tend to be the people that bear the brunt of backlash so there was a red user named Ella Laurion who decided to start a fundraiser for Amelia Clark’s charity since earlier this year Amelia Clark came out about having to brain aneurysmsand nearly dying during the earlier seasons of game of thronesand a bunch of Reading users most of whom were in the crowd I was really disappointed with the way the show ended came togetherand had a fundraiser for Amelia Clark’s charity same you need to be by the way youand thank youand all this people like Emelia Clarkand Kate Harrington an unbelievable pressure on them for they really can’t even control I think it’s pretty obvious that Emelia Clark was not thrilled with the way things ended for the fundraiser in the Commons is still ongoing we take a lesson from this is that that negativityand it does become organized in the way that has taken inspiration from the fact that sometimes that organized anger be turned into a good thing because of the day you love something a lot to be this disappointed me on to your food yourself when living in a dictatorship so perpetuated with was the control of the drug dragons into it again is all about wire stories at all what purpose do they serve only bring people together I guessand Brin story is better than everyone else’s which would make him a good ruler on vote for King King was about a story from the broken okay this strange statement counsel telling stories is no place for system the people expect real supreme executive power just some rocksolid dwarfs strong around the sales recounted tarp on a competitor I met with Helloand welcome to thought the rigors game of thrones after show this is Jason gets up to that is Valerie Ruben my name is Chris Ryanand now our watch has ended game of thrones wraps up with a I’m sure to be divisive emotional dramatic grilling series finale we are to help you break it all down break down the last episode this last seasonand probably try to give you some context for the series itself as always we’re coming to you on twitter so if you want had assaulted hashtag talk to thrones for questions eulogies concerns theories projections into what a Brenda broken administration might look like in West Rose was authority guys I hear you say we start with wildfire bonuses which is what everybody is talking about but I would be remiss now that were actually at the end of this amazing amazing journeyand were whatever anybody is set about season eight is still going to be regarded as one of the truly total television showsand TV history what did you guys think of the finale Jason all start with you on the broken can we get our King like a better monitor he only got a gorgeous help us all the time death a lot has a lot of lows saw Danny’s death was incredibly affecting an emotional even though he did feel it coming onand then I would love to know what happens after the story when Brandon dies like what happened in the realm they just do it Terryand said while he was in chains Mallory will reassure your thoughts I likeand senseand if only in that sense of fitting conclusion not that the first 40 minutes through Danny’s death were like really spectacularand I’m always sitting there was the loser he could feel what the condensed pace of the final couple seasons had led us toward moments like the John Terryand conversation were a lot of explaining how we got there had to happen along with explaining her feelings but I still was totally correct for those first 40and really morningand not only of the lives of certain character that I love but of this time together in the story the other the second half of the episode was on as was a microcosm for the last two seasons I was like the visual moments the dramatic moments absolutely enthrallingand then passport like it was like watching on fast the montage toward an episode I enjoyed quite a bit of that a lot is saying so terrible is about what an easy mark Mallory God is like this keep a leader doing this is all goes great interrupt the wood any other thoughts about the absence of the lines were really successful certain plot lines are things that we will have to grapple withand choose to accept or not that’s part of being a fan of the storyand that’s fine I don’t think that everybody has to feel the same way about the ending or about any part I really really wish that we had had more time I think that the moment between the scene knowing the screen went black between the havesand the episode us I have never felt the need for more time as badly as I did in the few moments that followed that we were at the DragonPad watching the future of the realm the history of this worldand these people unfold in the span of the moment we didn’t really have the luxury of understanding how they got that turns out veep didn’t end last week we had moreand let’s talk about this episode from the perspective of what other people are talking on bizarre wildfire moment this is way bigger to the biggest takeaways of the episode areand I guess for me as I guess I would say is I would start with I mean this is somebody different but I guess I’ll go to John’s feet which is something that you would sorta talked about the last couple weeks would certainly convinced me that John’s feet lay in the north but it was sort of the goodand the bad about that on one hand I thought it was really poeticand fittingand he had he is always been this kind of wireless outsider Western character who was always good to be somewhat isolated from the society he wanted to protectand on the other hand I like so what happens if they had been like you were not to do that like the unsullied file we need that justice here you got to send Johnson to the walland they were like yeah we just lost that argument with like why are they having the argument in fashion the first place like at some point the trying to figure out the logic of the conclusion is impossible if we don’t understand logic you out. WE HAVE 2 MILLION CALIFORNIANS GO DARK AND THE HEAT IS JUST BEGINNING AND THIS IS A MOVING OR ROLLING BLACKOUTS THAT HIT THE STATE KINDA DURING THE DAY AT THE HIGHEST PERIODS OF TIME AND THEN NOW WE HAVE IN TIMES WHAT REALLY IS GOING ON THE TERRAFORMING OF THE EARTH TO CONTROL HUMANITY SO THIS GETS BACK TO
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