Thứ Sáu, 4 tháng 12, 2020

Motor I Don't Have My Own Bike But I Do Have My Own Biker T Shirt

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Motor I Don't Have My Own Bike But I Do Have My Own Biker T Shirt
Motor I Don't Have My Own Bike But I Do Have My Own Biker T Shirt

Motor I Don't Have My Own Bike But I Do Have My Own Biker T Shirt

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Hi to all I am not in the hospital got out friday dec 12 21 2018 6 pm after a Motor I Don't Have My Own Bike But I Do Have My Own Biker T Shirt week I was there for a week my body avoided a pace makers thanks to go the kind thoughts for edward johnston cont upon the other hand the corporation is a creature of the state it is presumed to be incorporated for the benefit of the public it receives certain special privileges and franchises and holds them subject to the laws of the state and the limitations of its charter its rights to act as a corporation are only preserved to it so long as it obeys the laws of its creation there is a reserved right in the legislature to investigate its contracts and find out whether it has exceeded its powers it would be a strange anomaly to hold that the state having chartered a corporation to make use of certain franchises could not in exercise of its sovereignty inquire how those franchises had been employed and whether they had been abused and demand the production of corporate books and papers for that purpose emphasis added hale vs hinkel 201 us 43 74 75 corporations engaged in mercantile equity fall under the purview of the state s admiralty jurisdiction and the public at large must be protected from their activities as they the corporations are engaged in business for profit based upon the fundamental ground that the sovereign state has the plenary control of the streets and highways in the exercise of its police power see police power infra may absolutely prohibit the use of the streets as a place for the prosecution of a private business for gain they all recognize the fundamental distinction between the ordinary right of the citizen to use the streets in the usual way and the use of the streets as a place of business or a main instrumentality of business for private gain the former is a common right the latter is an extraordinary use as to the former the legislative power is confined to regulation as to the latter it is plenary and extends even to absolute prohibition since the use of the streets by a common carrier in the prosecution of its business as such is not a right but a mere license of privilege hadfield vs lundin 98 wash 657l 168 p 516 it will be necessary to review early cases and legal authority in order to reach a lawfully correct theory dealing with this right or privilege we will attempt to reach a sound conclusion as to what is a right to use the road and what is a privilege to use the road once reaching this determination we shall then apply those positions to modern case decision where rights secured by the constitution are involved there can be no rule making or legislation which would abrogate them miranda vs arizona 384 us 436 491 and the claim and exercise of a constitutional right cannot be converted into a crime miller vs u s 230 f 486 489 and there can be no sanction or penalty imposed upon one because of this exercise of constitutional rights snerer vs cullen 481 f 946 streets and highways are established and maintained for the purpose of travel and transportation by the public such travel may be for business or pleasure the use of the highways for the purpose of travel and transportation is not a mere privilege but a common and fundamental right of which the public and the individual cannot be rightfully deprived emphasis added chicago motor coach vs chicago 169 ne 22 ligare vs chicago 28 ne 934 boon vs clark 214 ssw 607 25 am jur 1st highways sect 163 and the right of the citizen to travel upon the public highways and to transport his property thereon either by horse drawn carriage or by automobile is not a mere privilege which a city can prohibit or permit at will but a common right which he has under the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness emphasis added thompson vs smith 154 se 579 edward johnston shared a link november 28 at 7 45 pm tagadd topics governor of oregon wikipedia en wikipedia org wiki oregon_governor article v section 1 states that the governor must be a natural born u s citizen at least 30 years of age and a resident of oregon for at least three years before oregon blue book constitution of oregon 2016 edition bluebook state or us state constitution constitution05 htm no person except a citizen of the united states have been three years next preceding his election at section 15 article v section 16 governor to fill governor of oregon pediaview com pediaview com openpedia governor_of_oregon article v section 1 states that the governor must be a natural born u s citizen at least 30 years of age and a resident of oregon for at least three years before an unconstitutional act is not law it confers no rights it imposes no duties affords no protection it creates no office it is in legal contemplation as inoperative as though it had never been passed norton v shelby county 118 u s 425 1886 boyd v united 116 u s 616 at 635 1885 justice bradley it may be that it is the obnoxious thing in its mildest form but illegitimate and unconstitutional practices get their first footing in that way namely by silent approaches and slight deviations from legal modes of procedure this can only be obviated by adhering to the rule that constitutional provisions for the security of persons and property should be liberally construed a close and literal construction deprives them of half their efficacy and leads to gradual depreciation of the right as if it consisted more in sound than in substance it is the duty of the courts to be watchful for the constitutional rights of the citizens and against any stealthy encroachments thereon their motto should be obsta principiis downs v bidwell 182 u s 244 1901 it will be an evil day for american liberty if the theory of a government outside supreme law finds lodgement in our constitutional jurisprudence no higher duty rests upon this court than to exert its full authority to prevent all violations of the principles of the constitution all laws which are repugnant to the constitution are null and void marbury v madison 5 u s 137 1803 when state agents make presentments offers and detainment arrests it now appears that the foreign bar attorneys prosecutors da’s and commercial administrators do not have to prove anything burden of proof because you are not in a de jure article iii court of law at the state level you are presumed guilty in admiralty in a state so called court administrative tribunal operating in admiralty you are always presumed guilty unless you can find some way to prove your innocence the problem with doing that is you are creating argument controversy and debate and the commercial administrators will take silent notice of this and use your dishonor to charge their commercial instruments for example I guarantee you will not like the outcome if you attempt to argue your position as being not a driver not a motor carrier and not operating in commerce etc with your automobile the foreign bar attorneys typically do not play fair and due process of law is rapidly becoming a thing of the past the bar mafia members in these article I and article iv private administrative tribunals are rude deceptive and disrespectful of the unalienable and imprescriptable rights of the american people no one is monitoring the criminal activity in these tribunals so long as they continue to generate a profit from the people human trafficking and trafficking in slaves the only remedy I have found to reliably and effectively keep these crooked gangsters police foreign agent bar attorneys and corporate court officials off of your back for good is to let them all know that you know what the game is once these crooked bar members in all of these private banking centers realize that you know that they are not administering justice and instead operating in commerce for profit and the numbers on their cash register start spinning backwards they should back off in my honest opinion aside from conditional acceptance notices your only remedy is to let the clerk s and the foreign bar agents know that it is your intent to report the commercial court case as a taxable transaction so the interest may be returned to the principal via irs tax forms w 9 1099 a 1099 oid 1096’s etc your intent is to notify the irs of the value of the commercial court case and you demand the chief clerk s cooperation at their banking window if it were me I would let the foreign agents know that it is your position to inform the irs of suspicious activity via form 3949 a if they intend to block your administrative remedy be in obstruction of title 26 deny you their ein tax and impede your ability to correct the tax records on behalf of the transaction you will put the fear of god into the hearts of these corporate criminals and gangsters because it is likely that they were not planning on reporting the market value of the municipal bonds and securities which are written underwritten and floated out on to the open market into investment pooling funds what you are looking for is to have a notation made in a public or police database which indicate to the agent officer do not stop do not detain a code will be entered basically telling the revenue collection officers policymen agents for the municipal corporations to leave you alone edward johnston shared a link november 23 at 10 37 pm tagadd topics people compelled to file income taxes violates the 5th amendment supreme court ruled that income taxes constitute the compelled testimony of a witness the information revealed in the preparation and filing of an income tax return is for the purposes of fifth amendment analysis the testimony of a witness government compels the filing of a return much as it compels for example the appearance of a ‘witness’ before a grand jury garner v united states 424 u s 648 1975 established that wages and income are not equivalent as far as taxes on income are concerned decided cases have made the distinction between wages and income and have refused to equate the two in withholding or similar controversies central illinois public service co v united states 435 u s 21 1978 peoples life ins co v united states 179 ct cl 318 332 373 f 2d 924 932 1967 humble pipe line co v united states 194 ct cl 944 950 442 f 2d 1353 1356 1971 humble oil refining co v united states 194 ct cl 920 442 f 2d 1362 1971 stubbs overbeck associates v united states 445 f 2d 1142 ca5 1971 royster co v united states 479 f 2d at 390 4th cir 1973 acacia mutual life ins co v united states 272 f supp 188 md 1967 supreme court ruled that waivers of constitutional rights not only must be voluntary they must be knowingly intelligent acts done with sufficient awareness of the relevant circumstances and consequences brady v u s 397 u s 742 at 748 1970 a not effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business public office per 26 u s c 7701 a 26 in the united states government b not earned from sources within the geographical federal 5 territory see newman green v alfonso larrain 490 u s 826 1989 united states defined in 26 u s c 7701 a 9 and a 10 c not subject to reporting per 26 u s c 6041 because not connected to a statutory trade or business public office d not subject to withholding because not statutory income per 26 u s c 643 b and earned by a non resident non person non taxpayer trade vs commerce all commerce is subject to statutes trade is not certain persons and activities are in commerce contracts between people are trade and are not subject to state regulation like commerce is and contracts between people are under equity jurisdiction while commerce is subject to statutory jurisdiction and the reason why today’s trade is no longer under equity jurisdiction is because there is no real gold money in circulation so it’s no longer trade but commerce and commerce is rightfully regulated by the state so when you’re buying something with green paper frns you’re not paying for it but merely passing credit that you got from the central bank you got paid with credit from central bank and since you didn’t demand 12usc411 redemption in lawful money you’re a debtor in a ‘game’ of commerce and so everything you own is subject to state regulation 1 the irs is not a u s government agency it is an agency of the imf 2 the imf is an agency of the un 3 the u s has not had a treasury since 1921 4 the u s treasury is now the imf 5 the attorney general of the u s is not employed by the u s but is an agent of interpol which is head quartered in lyons france 6 the united states does not have any employees 7 social security numbers are issued by the un through the imf 8 there are no judicial courts in america and there has not been since 1789 judges do not enforce statutes and codes executive administrators enforce statutes and codes 9 there have not been any judges in america since 1789 there have just been administrators 10 according to the gatt you must have a social security number 11 you are an institutional unit in which your body and labor are pledged to the un through the imf 12 we have one world government one world law and a one world monetary system 13 your social security number is your slave number just about everyone in the world has a social security number from the un through the imf 14 the un is a one world super government 15 no one on this planet has ever been free this planet is a slave colony there has always been a one world government it is just that now it is much better organized and has changed its name as of 1945 to the united nations 16 new york city is defined in the federal regulations as the united nations rudolph gulliani stated on c span that new york city was the capital of the world and he was correct 17 social security is not insurance or a contract nor is there a trust fund 18 your social security check comes directly from the imf which is an agency of the un 19 you own no property slaves can’t own property read the deed to the property that you think is yours you are listed as a tenant 20 the most powerful court in america is not the united states supreme court but the supreme court of pennsylvania guess who and what owns you and the united nations as a matter of fact the imagined president imagined representatives imagined senators imagined supreme court justices and imagined federal judges are not paid by the united states government actually the united states government does not have any employees they are paid by the international monetary fund in electrons you see there is no such thing as the united states government in reality there are no governments there are corporations fictions such as the federal reserve inc and the united states inc which in fact are private corporations the united states inc is just a slave management company guess what that makes you if you said property you are correct you are human capital the shares that were issued for the federal reserve when it was created back in 1913 only cost 100 00 that was quite the bargain to verify the facts in the preceding paragraphs see 5 u s c 903 12 u s c 95 18 u s c a 914 22 u s c 263 285 286 287 288 public law 89 719 public law 94 564 public law 101 167 public law 91 151 public law 103 465 house report 103 826 t d o 150 10 t d o 92 41 stat chap 214 pg 654 emergency banking act 48 stat 1 articles of agreement 60 stat 1440 20 cfr chapter 111 subpart b 422 103 b 2 2 united nations secretariat revised system of national accounting diversified metal products v irs et al cv 93 405e eje u s d c d I cromelin v united states 177 f 2d 275 277 tomalewski v united states 493 f supp 673 675 foster v bork 425 f supp 1318 1319 20 frc v ge 281 u s 464 keller v pe 261 u s 428 united states v lepatourel 571 f2d 405 410 respublica v sweers 1 dallas 43 interpol constitution art 30 executive order 10422 papal bulls of 1455 and 1493 42 pa c s a 502 general agreement on trade and tariffs when you see the documents for yourself your mind will shatter into a thousand pieces you will have to acknowledge that your entire life has been nothing but a hallucination you will have to acknowledge that there is not nor has there ever been a government countries money or constitutions all governments and countries are fabricated fictions cleverly woven into your mind they are fictions accepted by you because you have been lied to and poisoned your entire life what would you do without an external authority commanding you what to do and what not to do would you be lost did you ever think that maybe you would find yourself I am not afraid to acknowledge that I am an incomplete ‘being in motion’ searching for my reason for existing in this petry dish commonly called earth the evidence in my possession cannot be rebutted think twice before labeling me one can quickly become diagnosed mentally ill for stating the facts listed above most american’s want people who research and discover things such as those listed above to be locked away or murdered because it holds a mirror up to them and shows the evil that actually lurks in their hearts that is exactly what has happened to me don’t you want my death the people here in pennsylvania love death they also want mumia jamal lisa lambert and a host of other innocent people murdered when federal judge danzell released lisa lambert on a habeas corpus the people here in central pennsylvania wanted judge danzell impeached they want lisa lambert dead judge danzell said that lisa lambert’s case was the worst case that he has ever seen in the english speaking world like jim morrison said in the film the doors hatred is a very under estimated emotion I will be dead soon enough I am living in a madhouse now I have been living here for a couple of months I am on a steady diet of lithium haldol etc which sooner or later kills you it’s not that I really want to live in this world but the death caused by the mixture of lithium and haldol is a terrible form of torture I don’t like it here I don’t have anyone to talk to I don’t even have my own room I feel so sorry for the people that live here in my opinion not one of them is mentally ill they all seem to be suffering from living through terrible childhood’s and never having anyone in their lives who cared about or loved them I am glad that they did allow me to bring my computer with me so I just sit here on the floor and type away this essay will probably never be read by anyone it is more of a diary than an essay I am writing it for myself and my children I write everyday and save it on disk so that when my children grow up they can read for themselves why their dad was locked away in a home for the insane I never thought that they would go this far and do this to me and rob my children of their father but I do the unspeakable I commit thought crimes 18 u s code 3771 crime victims’ rights. Akon please come to johannesburg south africa me and my friends are hoping for a concert from you this year end of april. It s saturday night here s yanismarshall slaying it again in tokyo to my song turnitup ️ ️ thatshot
Motor I Don't Have My Own Bike But I Do Have My Own Biker T Shirt

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