Chủ Nhật, 6 tháng 12, 2020

You Can't Scare Me I Am A Breast Cancer Survivor During A Pandemic T-Shirt

I don’t think it bothered anybody at all about the fact that they did a Best Baby Yoda Autumn it’s the most wonderful time of the year shirt prequel prick prequel was like what will one ends setting up a new hopeand most people really love that movie that was amazingand so that did negatively impacted it all so they did negatively impact rogue one at all but it certainly did for the Pringles I don’t think that was the situation I’ll answer thatand discuss that even a little bit more on its own standalone video over the next couple of days of keep your eyes over thatand thank you for writing a interagency rights my girlfriend’s father love with baby order as has everybody Jake Hobbs so I’m showing her all the Star Wars movies just finished return of the Jedi do I show her the prequels I’ve been debating doing revenge of the Sith Soloand rogue one as a much better prequel trilogy lesson on the wrong guy to ask because again it’s a subjective opinion there are Star Wars fans out there that really treasure the prequelsand that’s awesome I would never want to yuck on something else is Yum if you like the preschoolsand you value them awesome that’s great I celebrate that but they’re deftly not for me so if you’re asking me I usually would suggest no no don’t don’t don’t do the prequels don’t show them the prequel’s that’s usually my answer but somebody else will give you a different answer depending on who you’re talking to so but if you’re asking my opinion I’d say bypass the prequels don’t bother even with the revenge of the set just go right into solo which is a lot of funand and rogue one which is awesome just go right into thoseand I at the you should be good to go but don’t just take my Nike’s mobile device to might give you some other points of view as welland then form your opinion based on the different opinions that you fart that’s that’s my tip on that right anonymous writes based on your thoughts John about haters feelings towards reboots what is right can it be asked for haters of Disney Star Wars not to make too big a deal seeing how they still have the original trilogy to love or is in a differentand animal as it’s a trilogy on well here’s the thing to me no matter how good or bad I’m new Star Wars movie is it doesn’t affect the original trilogy in any way in any way makes up my own feeling about reboots is Irishand why anybody complains about reboots if they do a reboot is a good movieand we have another good movie to celebrate if they make a rebootand it’s terrible well I still have the originaland the original has been touched some people some people act as if it they do a remake of I don’t know one flew over the cuckoo’s nest for pregnancy some people act as if they remake one flew over the’s nest to send kids out in the middle of the night to sneak in to my houseand steal my original copy of the original will be alone the original remark is still there still thereand it’s still greatand nothing changes nothing changes some people make up the fake argument well for people who haven’t seen the original one flew over the cuckoo’s nest have a bad impression of the movie no studies have proved overand overand over again that when a reboot of the movie comes out rentalsand streaming in everything of the original movie skyrocket it’s been proven it’s just been done studies it’s just a fact it’s not an opinion it’s fact more people would never even heard of the original ring movie watched it after there’s North American version of the ring more people wentand discovered infernal affairs after Martin Scorsese did the departed it’s been proven so actually it will raise regal comes in is bad it will raise appreciation for the original ones that’s been proven with things like stars like if you do these moviesand end up there telling I just had a bad experience the starsand I like rise up them the rises is a bad film okay decide at all affect in any way shape or form new hope Empire generally not the least based him so I just I don’t see the logic there I don’t I just don’t see the logic those arguments but the hate that is mean everybody ceases to see things differently as I see that way that is me is the only way to see it like the pop culture crocheter fights off for the holidays but wanted to say thanks before I do 2019 was supposed to be big here after a lot of health problems but instead it was a bit was brutally tough it was so hard to keep it going at times for your show was something I could look forward to dailyand thanks for being so prolific well listen pop culture I we talk about all the time the show that one of the great things about moviesand the movie think community is that it provides is an oasis they get us a moment to step away from our issues for minuteand fix our issues but we step away from the issuesand we have a good time engage with each other listeningand watching the movies that we love can refresh our minds maybe give us a bit of a different perspectiveand just let us go backand face now our day with a little bit stronger legs you need doesn’t take the problems way Face similar bit differentlyand that’s why things I love about movies the movie think communityand I’m really glad that this particular community has been here for you as you been going through that stuffand I hopeand wish for you a tremendous 2020 filled with all the victories you are looking for 2019 so thanks for being hereand I’m really glad that this commute is here for you as well something so that meant I KJ writes 100 million view party was great congrats again you KJand I remember KJ to accidentally call KJ DJ at one point in the cageand directed correct meand I’ll never forget the name KJ so things are being thereand I appreciate that pop culture crocheter also falls right along with some much needed skate escapism watching your channel grow also encouraged me not to give up on my own dreams even when they seemed impossible that’s awesome I think that’s a look I have a very big project I have coming up in 2020 that I’m starting right away I’m actually getting started on this new project in the next weekand I’m not ready to announce what it is but it’s going to be all consuming for me probably for the next eight months it’s probably to be all consuming for me for the next eight monthsand I’m very excited about it it’s daunting I’m a little bit scared a little bit terrified but you know if you’ve got a goal some of you trying to doand it doesn’t terrify a little bitand it doesn’t intimidate you a little bitand it doesn’t scare you little bit in are not aiming high enough you know so I’m glad you got some audacious goalsand dreams in front of you that do scare you little bitand it does seem impossible because those in the mountains you want to climb so best of luck to youand that I hope it works out greatand out to be guys updated on my little project as well as we go out for primary seafaring rights ideally Scott Johansson is likely be nominated for Oscars both for best actress for Mayor storyand best supporting actress for Joe surrounded both movies are wonderful thanks I do not think that I don’t think you can be no need for both it’s like she got nominated for best lead actress for marriage storyand for best supporting actress for JoJo rabbit by the screen actors Guild for the SAG awards I don’t think she’s gonna get a best supporting actress nomination for the Academy Awards I know that clearly I don’t know that but I suspect she will get a nomination for best actress for marriage stories I suspect she won’t get a for JoJo rabbit I really liked herand JoJo rabbit a lot she’s really goodand I love that movie it’s like my number one film of the year it is my favorite movie of the year so far I don’t see her getting a sporting explanation for maybe she will do well she doesand that the Oscars this year will be Scott Johansson’s Oscars me for sure I pop culture crocheter also positive rights to thank you very much Mr Candia look forward to watching a show 2020and a very happy holidays to youand the John Katie show crewand happy holidays to you as well I’m still trying to figure a way I still want to go home I still don’t know I usually have my usually have my my plans all straightened out travel plans but I’ve had so much stuff going on I don’t even know whenand image is go home for the holidays am still working on but I hope you have a wonderful holiday season there filled with friendsand family as well not rocky rights what what did Kermit the frog said Jim Henson’s funeral he said all all come on he said nothing saw come on by Richard Green right I love the Disney glutamate DeLorean in the baby Otis streaming series as I live personally Ali I get it does is really you could tell they show the baby you show with special guest are the medullary I mean is not true this show clearly focused lament DeLorean but if you went by who gets all the attention all my God you’re not wrong Richard you are wrong because all the attention instantly so is going to that adorable baby Otis try Paul writes I hated the last Jedi more than the prequel’s that’s just my opinion however a flash of a however with the mixed reviews of episode nine did Ryan Johnson leave JJ just too much to clear up with one film remaining hope to hear your opinion now I don’t think so I never once felt like the problem is I I don’t like this movieand I love JJs first I love the force awakens love it’s my favorite of all the new movies I absolutely love what JJ did with the force awakens none of my problems regarding this particular movie has anything to do with all there was too much stuff to clear up another wasn’t there really wasn’t there really wasn’t much that had to be cleared up unless they decided to make it an issueand try to do something that didn’t need to be done again it’s difficult for me to be really clear on that Paul about my specific gripes are specific things I must widen the problem without going into spoilage the movieand talking about very specific circumstances so a lot of us can have to wait until Sunday unfortunately but that being said I never really felt like I was issued all that is my perspective a summary watching the movie to somebody who didn’t like the movie I never felt like that was one of the issues but that’s just me that’s just me by thanks Raskin that opportunity to write I had a lot of fun watching Risa Skywalker yesterday a lot of fan services yes but I don’t care it’s a fun entertaining movieand I love it that’s awesome I’m glad you had a good timeand I think that’s great like I said I think a lot of people are to like it I know Christian like it that Kyle liked itand you like itand that’s great I’m glad he did I just wish I did to I just I just wish I did too but I didn’t but I’m glad you did menand that’s the most important thing right Allie Hussein writes this is my thoughts on the latest episode of the man DeLorean holy shitand cry time is episode eight coming out tomorrow if that is so then we should talk about episode sevenand a both the same time as was noand no Ed the next episode is next Friday is not tomorrow it’s next Friday so Mary laid out the release schedule before the show even start airand so we’ve always known that this week was to be on the Wednesday to take advantage of the of the fact that stores are as Skywalker was opening on Thursdayand in the final episode is next week next rise when the next one is Allie so Don driver this last episodeand I’m totally stoked about it right man mountain gherkin rights if you had to give up your dream see a list or any two of your favorite streaming services Disney I Netflix Disney plus which are giving up I’m giving up bud Disney plus if I do give up either a list or give up Netflixand Disney plus I’m giving up Netflixand Disney plus it’s it’s just too good at the A list thing is just too goodand I want to keep Netflixand Disney plus good I love those things too but if I can only keep one of the two I’m keeping my aims A list is just to see my movies now I like I love the moviegoing experience is not itself vastly superior care to keep you become I don’t care your home theater system sucks compared to a real movie theater particularly a good movie theaterand there’s just something to me about the moviegoing experience that is so vastly superior to watching a movie at homeand how do you think your TV is or how good you think your sound as it doesn’t matter nothing compares to the moviegoing experience at least to me so to me easy answer by Adam Thrasher writes John in the last issue of Jeff John’s doomsday clock everyone’s favorite Ozzie Alisha Malone gets an awesome little name dropper leashes that I didn’t know that that is been blowing up of the last number of years I mean she’s got a terrific work ethic she works her ass off she does a lot of things rely different people so that’s just awesomeand I didn’t know that’s that’s really cool that she got that right Dragon Ball epic rights saw the Risa Skywalker I felt betrayed John nothing makes sense pulp is awfuland out of place from the starting crawled the very final scene I was like really well first of all Dragon Ball get rid of this language I felt betrayed get rid of that it’s a movie there telling a story just as it wasn’t what you wanted by the way I didn’t like it either I didn’t like it either black but put to bed this this language of I felt betrayed it’s a movie they told the story they wanted to tell just because it wasn’t the one you wanted doesn’t mean they betrayed you are right by the way I probably like the movie even lessand you did to to be fair but they didn’t betray me they didn’t betray anybody they just made a movie made some choices that they hoped would work for everybodyand they tried my most hated movies like the last number of years ago worst movies I’ve seen in years was that the assassin’s Creed movie that movie wasn’t a bit frail it wasn’t so whatever they just made a movie they try to make it so people like itand maybe they succeeded maybe they failed for me they failed miserably but it wasn’t a betrayal like this get that’s toxic language put it to bed but it didn’t work for me either brother didn’t work for me eitherand help the team was what it in you guys know I was so excited for palpitating being in this movie I did not like the way they use pouting at all I had to like I just felt like the creative decisions they madeand again I applaud JJ for trying some really bold out of the box kind of thinking inand try to do some really really different stuffand I applaud the attempt as we all say we want directors to do something new when the directors take risks but then we should on the morning to take risks like thisand he took risksand I didn’t like it but I applaud you for taking the risk he tried to do something different he tried to do something bold to try to do something innovatedand when you do that sometimes it will succeedand sometimes it won’tand for me didn’t like it really didn’t but I applaud the attempt at certain he wasn’t betrayal but yeah man I think it’s not the main thing I dislike about the movie but the palpitating thing Dragon Ball is definitely one of the things that disappointed me the mostand again I’ll all go into all that in more detail I once we hit Sunday we can talk more openly about it but on Sunday on the spoiler discussion will get into a more there but I am with you on that dude I’m with you I can’t call the rights AGL today is the day going to see Risa Skywalker tonight at 6 PM I we will finally get a tenant trailer attached to it is my most his people 2021 you don’t even have to weigh it’s online right now the tenant trailer drop the course earlier this morningand a weird he talked about it on the show here a little bit earlier but yeah it’s it’s a good trailer mammy not great it was the final trailer not a trailer as a first trailer prima it’s an excellent first trailerand I I’m actually before the show being over single backand watch it again a couple times onto a man super misty rights chapter 7 man Lori was so good I literally had to watch it twice just brilliant I believe just watch one so far but I’m with you Superman Steve I had to go backand watch a second time as well I’ll probably do that a little bit later say may want to have lunch today they’ll be what I watch the over lunches watchand mentoring again even those other shows I need to get caught up on I think I got a watchmen Lauren chapter 7 again by Mr Steele rights remember the name good morningand Merry Christmas Lucifer is the most good good looking is show on TV so Aaron if you’re watching you’ll fit right in perfectly John in April you said endgame has the best hour in a movie will see all year still things so cool it ends at the pensand you don’t know Aaron is going to be on Lucifer this season when the new seasonal Lucifer starts to keep your eyes open for on that is certainly still the most exciting hour in any movie this year that that last hour of the same issues I thought that the first two activeand game were were mediocre now some people who don’t understand the English languageand apparently didn’t advance her education beyond the second grade I when I said that I thought the first two active measurement kind of mediocre why you saying the first to accept I didn’t say they sucked you said there were mediocre mediocre doesn’t mean suck mediocre means middle of the road means average amines mediocre me suck I remember this one guy even when I opened up the online dictionaryand I read the definition of mediocre web means in movies mediocre means no mediocre means mediocre doesn’t mean bad bills means not particularly good is I like the first two activeand game were kind mediocreand the holy takes off in the third act becomes absolute must watch incredible spectacle was some logic problems but in Kyle spectacle was made for an overall really enjoyable film anyway do I level people are educated that being said I know it we still feel like it is the most fun single hour because it’s just all bombastic fan service you know that last hour is just huge glorious bombastic visually feasting fan service admits it’s hard not to have a really good time especially with the way they kinda set it up so also say that best hour I don’t know like our two of JoJo rabbit is better than the third hour overall as film but in terms of pure fun yeah I don’t know that there is a single hour or 45 minutes however long you want status I do know that is a single hour 45 minutes that was sheer they gave as much sheer enjoyment as that final part the bigand battle of avengersand game IME not just as knots it’s absolutely nuts I can’t think of a good username rights I just realized the Phantom Menace ending parade song is a happy speed up version of palpitating scene now I’ll is that true I’ve never thought thatand I’ve never heard that I will have to goand check that out but I don’t think that’s true bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump it up upon the bump bump on is unless you have not the the 2222 in the drums may I’ve I’ve I’ve never thought thatand I’ve never heard Amy say that but now you say I can’t in good username I’m going to have to go backand check it out because now you got me completely intrigued by Barbara’s right the time is near Star Wars on the big screen I hope you have a great time you go see a man ING Angela Dasher said in a 50 tip so seems like a be answering your question its own standalone video of a label at three right now I just want to say thank youand wish youand Roband everyone who is a part of the show a Merry Christmas what is everyone’s favorite Christmas movie minds miracle on 34th St. New malice cast lives season two episode 35 this is the all things nerd podcast on Tonight Show are you talking DC comics all DC comics Harry Camille Superman is the Superman is not Superman what’s going on with that something details for the DC universe streaming serviceand some Batman casting rumors so they to jump in the chat let us know your thoughtsand conjoined that the geek in their community officials was 5150 here with LIVES season two episode 35 were back where here again were talking all DC because why well tomorrow is Batman dayand the DC universe streaming service comes out tomorrow with me there’s the DC news so you have me on the cast message 150 also getting on the cast we bring back the greatness is special to bring up something had to bring a month big problem that welcome sirand is thing few people know this was my nickname back in high school for very different reasonsand swamped by his shirt but actually talk to quite a bit about slow bath yesterday on the mouse court smacked eventually came back I moved to Dallas for two years but once again olderand is to subscribe for eight month row awesome thank you for joining us on the gasand Nick is back with us on loser I was going great’s glad to be here as usualand were glad to have youand lastly on the show maybe not lastly if like I said due to safety English is up but that is back with us are our energy from the websiteand via the back on KastnerGoldings DC fun times to get excited when I was like to talk to the DC comics you like come on the news Is yet so we like to discuss that with talk about will be speaking out on for the last week on me personally it just in diving into all the news of our possession in a really good week for nerd news to come out there is so much stuff that we didn’t have time to talk about all the stuff coming I mean even if you go to the marble spectrum of things daredevil getting a teaser trailer which looks freaking awesome in the binging on the cage again to get into iron fist which I heard is phenomenal for season to sell that’s been my whole getting out I’d pretty sure become a matter what you been getting out on a think it’s been sitting in front of a consul videogame but what is it that you be getting out on the first one is Spiderman out of knew that Spiderman came out videogameand it wasn’t just dust in the wind bottles of on the PlayStation for its phenomenal it’s amazing I might also be like watching a kind of Netflix I did just finish the Senate

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