Thứ Bảy, 17 tháng 7, 2021

I Asked God For A True Friend So He Sent Me A English Bulldog T Shirt From AllezyGo

I Asked God For A True Friend So He Sent Me A English Bulldog T Shirt From AllezyGo

Itand I’m like oh my god my songs in thereand so he did this acoustic album it’sunbelievable it’s so good so we’ll put alink to both of those in the show notesand and we’ll throw a I Asked God For A True Friend So He Sent Me A English Bulldog T Shirt From AllezyGo link to Ryan dohim karate in the show notes as wellthese may be the jeans that he’s wearingdude I’m telling you man like like Ijust cannot say it any other way like Iwish I could produce more words rightnow to express you how freakingcomfortable these jeans are men but theythey’re just like by far the best pairof pants I’ve ever put on that’sbeautifulall right Ryan so you know we usually dothis hashtag ask the minimalistlightening round but we didn’t have oneprepared before him but I sent out atweet and I got a few questions thetweet just said we’re gonna record apodcast episode about the New Year NewDirections and getting back to basicswhat would you like to hashtag asked ofthe minimalists and we got a fewquestions here let’s just riff on thesereal quick go for it if you don’t mindJamie says how do you start workingtoward a goaland. Always love doing thatman like just going around and kind. Supposed to hear the five thingsare supposed to focus on we went on afirst tour we were down in st Petersburg Florida which is whereminimalism sort of started for me andbecause my mother was living down therewhen she passed away and we got downthere after simplifying our lives likewe were the minimalists right and wewere drugged we drove down there in ourtour bus which is Ryan’s Toyota Corollaand we finally got that it popped openthe trunk and I’m like what are we doingRyan just looks over he goes we’re suchhypocrites there were two soupcases full stuff there was a garment bagin case I needed a suit for somethingapparently and then there were two sortof carry on bags now keeping my carry onin your car we weren’t getting on anairplane going anywhere that we werecarrying on in the car so we had allthis sort of superfluous stuff we packedwith us why just in case the three mostdangerous words in the English languageand we realized that we had just packedso many things but we thought we mightneed in some hypothetical Nice I Asked God For A True Friend So He Sent Me A English Bulldog T Shirt From AllezyGo I Asked God For A True Friend So He Sent Me A English Bulldog T Shirt From AllezyGo, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women I Asked God For A True Friend So He Sent Me A English Bulldog T Shirt From AllezyGo More than Nice other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: Nolonger the primary driver for doingwhat I do and it’s it’s fine to earn anincome it’s fine to have social statusthe question is is it driving yourbehavior and if so then maybe we canchange that maybe we can find adifferent outcome and then I also saw abunch of questions on Instagram peopleare asking about nighttime asleeproutines with with kids I try to have asfew things in the routine as possiblethat makes the the routine relativelyeasy we don’t have a I Asked God For A True Friend So He Sent Me A English Bulldog T Shirt From AllezyGo specific time thatela goes to bail it tends to be around 7or 8 or sometimes 9 o’clock somewherebetween there and it’s not about havinga specific time necessarily in fact ittends to be earlier in the winter and inMissoula Montana it gets dark around4 30 in the winter so it tends to beearlier yeah Ella’s already commentingat 5 p m that sure is dark outside it’salmost time for bed because she has thatbehavior we like to read before bed andobviously there’s bath time and there isteeth brushing and some pretty simplehygiene routines and then reading beforebed and I. Soup kitchens would loveyour help so just going out and addingvalue to the community that is one wayto connect yeah absolutely yeah I agreewith that I mean a few years ago whilewe were on we were on our holidayhappiness tour man I guess it was fouryears ago now and we so we weren’t homefor the holidays we’re in VancouverCanada and what we were doing was we gota group of readers together and broughtthem all to a not a soup kitchen but buta Food Bank and helped work a Food Bankfor Christmas Day and it was it was agood opportunity to connect with allthose people but also just to connectwith a community that needed some helpand so you can certainly do that Ryanand I have worked at a lot of soupkitchens or Habitat for Humanity andplaces like that and they would loveyour help but not just during theholidays throughout the year is a greatway to connect with others so if you’remissing that connection during theholidays do it now if you need aconnection other times do it then mypithy response for Karla is lonely andalone. And so wewere stuck with Christmas music afterthe holidays and See Other related products: Christmas, Love and shirt I Asked God For A True Friend So He Sent Me A English Bulldog T Shirt From AllezyGo Itand I’m like oh my god my songs in thereand so he did this acoustic album it’sunbelievable it’s so good so we’ll put alink to both of those in the show notesand and we’ll throw a I Asked God For A True Friend So He Sent Me A English Bulldog T Shirt From AllezyGo link to Ryan dohim karate in the show notes as wellthese may be the jeans that he’s wearingdude I’m telling you man like like Ijust cannot say it any other way like Iwish I could produce more words rightnow to express you how freakingcomfortable these jeans are men but theythey’re just like by far the best pairof pants I’ve ever put on that’sbeautifulall right Ryan so you know we usually dothis hashtag ask the minimalistlightening round but we didn’t have oneprepared before him but I sent out atweet and I got a few questions thetweet just said we’re gonna record apodcast episode about the New Year NewDirections and getting back to basicswhat would you like to hashtag asked ofthe minimalists and we got a fewquestions here let’s just riff on thesereal quick go for it if you don’t mindJamie says how do you start workingtoward a goaland. Always love doing thatman like just going around and kind. Supposed to hear the five thingsare supposed to focus on we went on afirst tour we were down in st Petersburg Florida which is whereminimalism sort of started for me andbecause my mother was living down therewhen she passed away and we got downthere after simplifying our lives likewe were the minimalists right and wewere drugged we drove down there in ourtour bus which is Ryan’s Toyota Corollaand we finally got that it popped openthe trunk and I’m like what are we doingRyan just looks over he goes we’re suchhypocrites there were two soupcases full stuff there was a garment bagin case I needed a suit for somethingapparently and then there were two sortof carry on bags now keeping my carry onin your car we weren’t getting on anairplane going anywhere that we werecarrying on in the car so we had allthis sort of superfluous stuff we packedwith us why just in case the three mostdangerous words in the English languageand we realized that we had just packedso many things but we thought we mightneed in some hypothetical Nice I Asked God For A True Friend So He Sent Me A English Bulldog T Shirt From AllezyGo I Asked God For A True Friend So He Sent Me A English Bulldog T Shirt From AllezyGo, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women I Asked God For A True Friend So He Sent Me A English Bulldog T Shirt From AllezyGo More than Nice other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: Nolonger the primary driver for doingwhat I do and it’s it’s fine to earn anincome it’s fine to have social statusthe question is is it driving yourbehavior and if so then maybe we canchange that maybe we can find adifferent outcome and then I also saw abunch of questions on Instagram peopleare asking about nighttime asleeproutines with with kids I try to have asfew things in the routine as possiblethat makes the the routine relativelyeasy we don’t have a I Asked God For A True Friend So He Sent Me A English Bulldog T Shirt From AllezyGo specific time thatela goes to bail it tends to be around 7or 8 or sometimes 9 o’clock somewherebetween there and it’s not about havinga specific time necessarily in fact ittends to be earlier in the winter and inMissoula Montana it gets dark around4 30 in the winter so it tends to beearlier yeah Ella’s already commentingat 5 p m that sure is dark outside it’salmost time for bed because she has thatbehavior we like to read before bed andobviously there’s bath time and there isteeth brushing and some pretty simplehygiene routines and then reading beforebed and I. Soup kitchens would loveyour help so just going out and addingvalue to the community that is one wayto connect yeah absolutely yeah I agreewith that I mean a few years ago whilewe were on we were on our holidayhappiness tour man I guess it was fouryears ago now and we so we weren’t homefor the holidays we’re in VancouverCanada and what we were doing was we gota group of readers together and broughtthem all to a not a soup kitchen but buta Food Bank and helped work a Food Bankfor Christmas Day and it was it was agood opportunity to connect with allthose people but also just to connectwith a community that needed some helpand so you can certainly do that Ryanand I have worked at a lot of soupkitchens or Habitat for Humanity andplaces like that and they would loveyour help but not just during theholidays throughout the year is a greatway to connect with others so if you’remissing that connection during theholidays do it now if you need aconnection other times do it then mypithy response for Karla is lonely andalone. And so wewere stuck with Christmas music afterthe holidays and See Other related products: Christmas, Love and shirt

I Asked God For A True Friend So He Sent Me A English Bulldog T Shirt From AllezyGo - from 1

I Asked God For A True Friend So He Sent Me A English Bulldog T Shirt From AllezyGo - from 1

Itand I’m like oh my god my songs in thereand so he did this acoustic album it’sunbelievable it’s so good so we’ll put alink to both of those in the show notesand and we’ll throw a I Asked God For A True Friend So He Sent Me A English Bulldog T Shirt From AllezyGo link to Ryan dohim karate in the show notes as wellthese may be the jeans that he’s wearingdude I’m telling you man like like Ijust cannot say it any other way like Iwish I could produce more words rightnow to express you how freakingcomfortable these jeans are men but theythey’re just like by far the best pairof pants I’ve ever put on that’sbeautifulall right Ryan so you know we usually dothis hashtag ask the minimalistlightening round but we didn’t have oneprepared before him but I sent out atweet and I got a few questions thetweet just said we’re gonna record apodcast episode about the New Year NewDirections and getting back to basicswhat would you like to hashtag asked ofthe minimalists and we got a fewquestions here let’s just riff on thesereal quick go for it if you don’t mindJamie says how do you start workingtoward a goaland. Always love doing thatman like just going around and kind. Supposed to hear the five thingsare supposed to focus on we went on afirst tour we were down in st Petersburg Florida which is whereminimalism sort of started for me andbecause my mother was living down therewhen she passed away and we got downthere after simplifying our lives likewe were the minimalists right and wewere drugged we drove down there in ourtour bus which is Ryan’s Toyota Corollaand we finally got that it popped openthe trunk and I’m like what are we doingRyan just looks over he goes we’re suchhypocrites there were two soupcases full stuff there was a garment bagin case I needed a suit for somethingapparently and then there were two sortof carry on bags now keeping my carry onin your car we weren’t getting on anairplane going anywhere that we werecarrying on in the car so we had allthis sort of superfluous stuff we packedwith us why just in case the three mostdangerous words in the English languageand we realized that we had just packedso many things but we thought we mightneed in some hypothetical Nice I Asked God For A True Friend So He Sent Me A English Bulldog T Shirt From AllezyGo I Asked God For A True Friend So He Sent Me A English Bulldog T Shirt From AllezyGo, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women I Asked God For A True Friend So He Sent Me A English Bulldog T Shirt From AllezyGo More than Nice other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: Nolonger the primary driver for doingwhat I do and it’s it’s fine to earn anincome it’s fine to have social statusthe question is is it driving yourbehavior and if so then maybe we canchange that maybe we can find adifferent outcome and then I also saw abunch of questions on Instagram peopleare asking about nighttime asleeproutines with with kids I try to have asfew things in the routine as possiblethat makes the the routine relativelyeasy we don’t have a I Asked God For A True Friend So He Sent Me A English Bulldog T Shirt From AllezyGo specific time thatela goes to bail it tends to be around 7or 8 or sometimes 9 o’clock somewherebetween there and it’s not about havinga specific time necessarily in fact ittends to be earlier in the winter and inMissoula Montana it gets dark around4 30 in the winter so it tends to beearlier yeah Ella’s already commentingat 5 p m that sure is dark outside it’salmost time for bed because she has thatbehavior we like to read before bed andobviously there’s bath time and there isteeth brushing and some pretty simplehygiene routines and then reading beforebed and I. Soup kitchens would loveyour help so just going out and addingvalue to the community that is one wayto connect yeah absolutely yeah I agreewith that I mean a few years ago whilewe were on we were on our holidayhappiness tour man I guess it was fouryears ago now and we so we weren’t homefor the holidays we’re in VancouverCanada and what we were doing was we gota group of readers together and broughtthem all to a not a soup kitchen but buta Food Bank and helped work a Food Bankfor Christmas Day and it was it was agood opportunity to connect with allthose people but also just to connectwith a community that needed some helpand so you can certainly do that Ryanand I have worked at a lot of soupkitchens or Habitat for Humanity andplaces like that and they would loveyour help but not just during theholidays throughout the year is a greatway to connect with others so if you’remissing that connection during theholidays do it now if you need aconnection other times do it then mypithy response for Karla is lonely andalone. And so wewere stuck with Christmas music afterthe holidays and See Other related products: Christmas, Love and shirt I Asked God For A True Friend So He Sent Me A English Bulldog T Shirt From AllezyGo Itand I’m like oh my god my songs in thereand so he did this acoustic album it’sunbelievable it’s so good so we’ll put alink to both of those in the show notesand and we’ll throw a I Asked God For A True Friend So He Sent Me A English Bulldog T Shirt From AllezyGo link to Ryan dohim karate in the show notes as wellthese may be the jeans that he’s wearingdude I’m telling you man like like Ijust cannot say it any other way like Iwish I could produce more words rightnow to express you how freakingcomfortable these jeans are men but theythey’re just like by far the best pairof pants I’ve ever put on that’sbeautifulall right Ryan so you know we usually dothis hashtag ask the minimalistlightening round but we didn’t have oneprepared before him but I sent out atweet and I got a few questions thetweet just said we’re gonna record apodcast episode about the New Year NewDirections and getting back to basicswhat would you like to hashtag asked ofthe minimalists and we got a fewquestions here let’s just riff on thesereal quick go for it if you don’t mindJamie says how do you start workingtoward a goaland. Always love doing thatman like just going around and kind. Supposed to hear the five thingsare supposed to focus on we went on afirst tour we were down in st Petersburg Florida which is whereminimalism sort of started for me andbecause my mother was living down therewhen she passed away and we got downthere after simplifying our lives likewe were the minimalists right and wewere drugged we drove down there in ourtour bus which is Ryan’s Toyota Corollaand we finally got that it popped openthe trunk and I’m like what are we doingRyan just looks over he goes we’re suchhypocrites there were two soupcases full stuff there was a garment bagin case I needed a suit for somethingapparently and then there were two sortof carry on bags now keeping my carry onin your car we weren’t getting on anairplane going anywhere that we werecarrying on in the car so we had allthis sort of superfluous stuff we packedwith us why just in case the three mostdangerous words in the English languageand we realized that we had just packedso many things but we thought we mightneed in some hypothetical Nice I Asked God For A True Friend So He Sent Me A English Bulldog T Shirt From AllezyGo I Asked God For A True Friend So He Sent Me A English Bulldog T Shirt From AllezyGo, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women I Asked God For A True Friend So He Sent Me A English Bulldog T Shirt From AllezyGo More than Nice other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: Nolonger the primary driver for doingwhat I do and it’s it’s fine to earn anincome it’s fine to have social statusthe question is is it driving yourbehavior and if so then maybe we canchange that maybe we can find adifferent outcome and then I also saw abunch of questions on Instagram peopleare asking about nighttime asleeproutines with with kids I try to have asfew things in the routine as possiblethat makes the the routine relativelyeasy we don’t have a I Asked God For A True Friend So He Sent Me A English Bulldog T Shirt From AllezyGo specific time thatela goes to bail it tends to be around 7or 8 or sometimes 9 o’clock somewherebetween there and it’s not about havinga specific time necessarily in fact ittends to be earlier in the winter and inMissoula Montana it gets dark around4 30 in the winter so it tends to beearlier yeah Ella’s already commentingat 5 p m that sure is dark outside it’salmost time for bed because she has thatbehavior we like to read before bed andobviously there’s bath time and there isteeth brushing and some pretty simplehygiene routines and then reading beforebed and I. Soup kitchens would loveyour help so just going out and addingvalue to the community that is one wayto connect yeah absolutely yeah I agreewith that I mean a few years ago whilewe were on we were on our holidayhappiness tour man I guess it was fouryears ago now and we so we weren’t homefor the holidays we’re in VancouverCanada and what we were doing was we gota group of readers together and broughtthem all to a not a soup kitchen but buta Food Bank and helped work a Food Bankfor Christmas Day and it was it was agood opportunity to connect with allthose people but also just to connectwith a community that needed some helpand so you can certainly do that Ryanand I have worked at a lot of soupkitchens or Habitat for Humanity andplaces like that and they would loveyour help but not just during theholidays throughout the year is a greatway to connect with others so if you’remissing that connection during theholidays do it now if you need aconnection other times do it then mypithy response for Karla is lonely andalone. And so wewere stuck with Christmas music afterthe holidays and See Other related products: Christmas, Love and shirt

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